Kuleana Rum Works Nanea 750ml - Kona Wine Market
Kuleana Rum Works Nanea 750ml
SKU: P-14195

Kuleana Rum Works Nanea


Available for:
Category Rum
Brand Kuleana Rum Works
Origin United States, Hawaii
A blend of aged rums that delivers suberb depth, balance and character. We blend three carefully-selected, variously-aged rums from around the world, meticulously considering how each contributes to the foundation, body and accents, until the blend is unmistakably nanea (fascinating). This should be enjoyed naked or in a classic cocktail. Nanea is a word that sums up the Hawaii-effect. It means: "of absorbing interest; fascinating, enjoyable; relaxed, at ease, tranquility, amused." It especially means "to have a good time."

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